Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Second Month Birthday 12-9-14
Second Day at Goddard School; 1-14-15; Mommy and Nana came to visit

Breton...More Firsts....

First One Month Birthday First Birthday Celebration for Daddy!!! Happy 31st!! First Christmas First Surprise Birthday Party & All Girl Get Together :)
First Doctor Appointment

Breton's First......

First pic to daddy at work First Bath First Xmas Card - photo shoot! First Thanksgiving First Stroller Walk

Baby is here Nov 9 2014

Our lil Bubby arrived over 2-1/2 months ago and one thousand iphone pictures ago. Gosh, so much has happened that I regret not documenting every second of it but the time has kept us busy. We are both back at work into the swing of things. So to go back in time.... It all started around midnight (Friday turning into Saturday) on 11-8-14. I felt the first contractions. I downloaded an app on my phone to track the timing. Sure enough they were ranging from 5 minutes to 1 and half minutes and lasting 30-50 seconds. I knew he was late so it was time for him to come but I couldn't believe it was happening. I texted my best friend Katie a picture of the contraction log and she quick called. She asked to speak to Joseph and said ok, it's time to go in. We packed up. A long night but I never dilated. I didn't know whether to induce or go home and wait for it to happen natural. I texted my friend Jess in San Diego, she quick called me in the hospital and said it is so much better to just let it happen on its own. I listened as she has been through it twice and my go to person for all my advice for mommy to be things. She missed her calling as a consultant in this department. We went home around 3am. Then for the rest of the weekend, I spent having on off contractions day and night. It was not fun. Taking baths to soothe the pain, hot showers, trying to sleep them off if possible. Then around 8pm Sunday night, I felt the strongest of them all after a bath. There was blood. I was in tears. Joseph was so worried, he said that's it we are going in again. THANK GOODNESS!! This same night....hours later....and going from 4cm to 8cm within an hour.... Joseph Breton Mann was born a healthy 7lb 15oz 20oz at 11:04pm He might have been late but when he was ready to come he came zipping out We left for hospital around 8pm and he came out sideways three hours later. My mom and Schatzie were there by our side to experience it all with us. Our coworker Phil even showed up to support us. I can still hear Joe counting down 10,9,8 then saying " I see hair" lol and there he was in this new world He passed all his in-hospital tests with flying colors & we were off to our home together two days later The first night Joseph and I hardly slept not because he kept us up. He was so good we were paranoid we should be doing something and kept checking to make sure he was breathing Our nurses that kept taking shifts and checking on us were great. Everyone at Gwinnett Medical made it a relaxing and comfortable environment. I was able to bounce back like nothing on the second day when we were ready to go home. Carrying our little boy to his new home in our world, priceless