Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Championship Present !

June 15th , 2014....this may be a day that Daddy Joe remembers vividly and not just because it was his first unofficial father's day. It was the evening the Spurs won the NBA championship title. They triumphiantly beat the overglorified Miami Heat (LeBron and others) who knocked them out last year in the end. The Spurs came back strong and hard with a vengence and score to settle this year. We had been actively following the Spurs basketball finals each week, late games that kept us (ok I would fall asleep early on the couch or in bed) but Joe and now even Nana Fagan up and awake til the final midnight end to each game. In a 3 to 1 game winning lead , they pulled through with their 4th and almost 20 point final win to end the series last night. The San Antonio GA boys, Garrett and Joe celebrated in our living room with high fives and excited grins from their hometown team championship!! Even I fought the sandman to stay awake for this one. This was the most basketball I had watched in my life but now the only one I cared congrats Tony Parker, Tim Duncan, and that I know your names :) Now time to shop for Nana Fagan's flat brimmed white 2014 championship hat for her to flaunt sideways to Publix and the nail salon, lol

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