Friday, September 19, 2014

MOVING!! and the Gwinnett County Fair

Finally , we can say we have finished all our financial and loan paperwork we started towards the end July after putting an offer on a house in Buford. It seemed to have everything we needed so we jumped on it after looking at multiple homes for months. We closed on it last week and now are in the midst of moving. We have a lot of work ahead of us to make it our "home" but we couldn't be more excited to start our new life in it. The nursery is one of the first rooms we will have completed too. Joe is working on painting it tonight (navy and white)to match the bedding we had made. Right now it is more of a royal and pale blue. Also, the furniture has shipped in from overseas waiting for us in their Georgia Babies warehouse and is all ready to be delivered tomorrow. We don't even have our master bedroom or living room yet, lol. This weekend we plan on looking for all new things. We were too afraid to buy anything in advance in case the closing didn't go through or jinx it so this will be a fun task in the month ahead before "junior" gets here! Besides all this work, we did have some fun. The Gwinnett County fair is in town and we went there last week. Sadly since I am pregnant I had to bypass all the rides, I was quite bummed out. I kept urging Joe to ride them without me so I could live through him vicariously but he declined, ha. Instead, we competed in friendly competition of basketball which we both lost, neither of us made a basket, lol. We tried to win a lizard, crab or goldfish for throwing a ping pong ball in a bowl of water. We only got one ball so we won a goldfish but forgot to pick it up later, oh well, the kitties might have taken a grab at him at home so we probably spared a life. Then last but not least we did the squirt guns to see who could get the clown to the top first. We were the only ones playing so it ended up we both won one time, ha! We like those odds. So, in the end, we did win two stuffed animals for junior. Then off to find more carnie stuff to buy which led me to the airbrush trucker cap station. Joe made friends with the dudes running the tent there. They were all from San Antonio so they were talking Spurs & showing him pictures of the game they went to. Small world! Finally, festival food, don't leave one without it. To sum it up, it was a fun, successful & delicious day :)

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