Monday, April 28, 2014

March visits: Joe & Sandy...

I had the pleasure of having both Joe one weekend then Sandy the next here in GA. First came Joe, he got his long desired meat sweats on at Fogo, then off to his first comedy club show at Punchline. Julian McCullough performed at the Punchline and they had a couple no name other guys who performed before him as well. Scoring front row seats yet not the butt of their jokes we were surrounded by the other patrons who were targeted. It was a great evening. The following night we headed north to have dinner with my parents at the lake. Joe had to help mom with a sign. Her poor back was still in a brace from when she broke it in Florida after falling off her bike so she couldn't walk down to the dock. Dad was busy engaging in a glass of wine and fine cigar on the porch. haha His favorite way to relax after a long work week. Then we were off to good ole Scoogie's seafood - my parent’s favorite waterside meal. Now time for the drumroll please, on that Sunday morning was the moment we realized we might have a new secret on our hands. It was too early to break any newsflash alerts but we had a couple more weeks of waiting to confirm our suspicions :) The next Friday evening Sandy flew in from San Antonio, Joe wasn’t able to make it from Dallas due to work and my dad was in Arizona with his high school buddies catching up on old times. It ended up working out well for us ladies with a girls weekend in store. In true Bridget fashion, when I picked Sandy up from the airport and was heading to Chops Lobster bar in Buckhead for dinner, I thought I had tons of time to waste before our reservation. However, my directional challenged self drove from end of the spectrum to the other – meaning we ended up in a sketchy industrial run down part of town that I pretended not to be nervous in to one of the ritziest parts of town with multi-million dollar West Paces Ferry homes. We even ended up taking an impromptu drive past the Governor’s Mansion. I told Sandy, “I just thought you might want to do a little site seeing before dinner” as we laughed because I had already warned her getting lost was my forte’. I was so thankful she was patient. Anyways we finally arrived for dinner and I had the pleasure of introducing Sandy to my favorite dish, lobster bisque. It was so delicious and I mean it, I am a seafood connoisseur (or so I like to think) so I was glad this was her first bowl. Mmmm! Also, if anyone finds out what the gold numbers mean on the servers jackets, we would both love to know, thanks…the only person we asked ended up not even speaking English. We are both so curious. Anyways moving on, we made a smart decision and ended up calling it an early evening and bypassed all the tempting night clubs and Chippendale establishments for Sandy to get wild at in Atlanta. I planned on being a responsible DD for her but she insisted on wanting to be refreshed for Bev, my mom and our following day together. Hopefully she still had fun (winky face) Instead of some hunky man, her lovely sleeping companion was a furry kitty, Miss Halle Berry also known as “Fat Cat” who slept on the foot of the bed with her. Apparently, they quickly made a friendship which was great! The next day we drove up to meet mom at my parents’ house to pick her up, did lunch at 2 Dog CafĂ©, shopped on the Gainesville square downtown and had to scurry to get back to my house later. We had a big night of “Painting with a Twist” It was also a couples night so you could paint two canvases that equal one or paint two separate ones. Somehow Sandy and I started to paint separate but realized if you pushed ours together they looked like they could equal one. We had to take a pic (that was also classically photobombed) and glad we did because in the end ours looked nothing alike any longer. Her painting was way better than mine I have to contest that for sure even if she won’t admit it, such a humble lady! It was a quick but nice relaxing weekend and so glad she came to spend time with us. My mom enjoyed it just as much as I did. We look forward to more visits and trips to see her as well.

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