Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April - 11th-20th Easter Wedding, Engagement, New Job Training, Oh Baby

This was the grande week we had planned on making our big announcments to my parents but little did they know so we were both very anxious at this time. Joe had been working so much overtime over the past couple months with minimal hours of sleep that his boss allowed him a week off. He chose this week as it was not only Easter but my cousin Brian's wedding weekend too. It was also a great time to let the final people in on our big surprises. Our game plan was for Joe to ask for hand in marriage, do offical proposal, let that news sink in, then move on to the bundle of joy news at a later date. So, the weekend of the 11th we headed to my parents house where mom cooked a Shrimp Scampi meal (she remembered Joe loves his shrimp!) He got special family treatment with his special meal. We even hand made bacon bits as a topping knowing he loves everything more with bacon including desserts. This now makes for a family joke. Everytime my parents see bacon bits they say "Hey Joe look, your favorite" He will live this down forever now - ha! So while mom and I were preparing the dinner, Dad asked Joe to go on a boat ride to test it out for the new season. They were gone for a while and Joe asked the big question with a resounding yes from dad. Dad is a wise man and knew Joe makes me happy and said to use their 35 year marriage as an example for our own. I'm sure he gave more fatherly advice but you can ask him what he said for all the details. So after they returned, we ate, and Joe wanted to go down to the dock. This is where our official proposal happened and we couldn't be happier to move into this next chapter together. We came back up and told my parents. They were both so excited and mom cried. It was emotional bliss! Some other highlights we did were go to the Dogwood Festival in Atlanta, it happens once a year with arts, crafts, rides, dog shows, music and tons of food vendors. It was a gorgeous Saturday so we spent it outside walking around enjoying the weather, people watching and of course with a funnel cake & a turkey leg! It was the first time I would have loved a nice cold adult beverage :) Later we met up with my friends Noelle & Michael who are always a blast and had a quick drink or two at Biergarden downtown Atlanta before we headed to the Braves baseball game. It was Joe's first time! We wanted to make it special so we purchased seats not too far behind home plate, almost got a foul ball that came our way and slightly made the Jumbotron. The Braves beat the Washington Nationals so it was a good ending to our day. During the week Joe started his new job helping my dad so even though it was his vacation week, he was learning a new business of manufacturer sales reps. He shadowed my dad and even helped him at a distributors open house grilling hamburgers. You never know what is called for in this line of duty! I showed him a few things in the office as well including our software program, literature pieces and reports. It was quite overwhelming for him at first but like I told him "No one learns everything in one day" We are all here to help him along the way. Good Friday we spent scurring around shopping before the rehearsal dinner in Marietta, GA for my cousin Brian's pre-wedding celebration. Aunt Candy and Uncle Mike (dads brother and wife) were hosting us all at the Paper Mill Grill. You know we had to look sharp in case the paparazzi were there waiting for us. I got to introduce Joe to more family members and friends. He was quite interested in who the bridesmaids were and my aunt was quick to introduce him to them. Kidding, she thought he said bridesmaids but he said Bride's parents. He knows better than to ask that but it made us laugh. Great meal, good laughs especially when dad gives toasts and Irish blessings while he pretends he is about to sing then stops. There is always some sort of shenanigan when we all get together. Joe fit in perfectly and I loved sharing this moment with him. He is now officially part of the family! The next morning, Joe and dad had some male bonding time. He had brought his new clubs with him on his flight so they went golfing together at Chicopee up in Gainesville. He had been dying to get out on the course and play so I'm happy he was able to. The weather was dreary but it didn't damper on their day of play. Lighting stoogies on the first hole together and dad asking Joe if he could hit better or otherwise he was going to bring me next time was there new co-hobby. When they were done, we were to get ready and head back to Marietta for the ceremony and reception of Brian and his new wife, Brittany. We are excited to also have her join our new family as well. Lots to celebrate between us all!! Sweet and sensitive vows, good food and fun environment made for a perfect day for the new Fagan's as they left at 10pm for their honeymoon in Cabo, we wished them the happiest and best wishes!! In spirit of celebration mode, Joe and I knew that as we were all leaving the wedding there was one last piece of business we had to take care of before his flight left on Easter Sunday. This newsflash was to tell my parents about their first upcoming grandchild headed their way in November. So as we were in the parking lot, everyone had their sparklers from the wedding, we pulled my parents aside with my phone. I showed them the sonogram on my cell phone. Their vision was so bad it was quite awkward. They were saying "what is that, we can't see" Joe and I looked at each other "Umm well, its a baby" They were shocked, excited and had tons of questions. We were happy to finally share the news and get it out in the open. They wished us much congrats and once again we were successfully off to another wonderful new chapter together! Easter we were invited to church at 12 Stone with Amelia and Garrett Granburg, our good friends here in Lawrenceville. The irony that Garrett lived by Joe in Texas growing up, they went their separate ways for college and now both are here minutes apart with their Georgia girls. Fate has a funny twist sometimes but this has been a blessing. Now they get to see each other like the old days as much as they wish now. After church, they kindly hosted Easter brunch at their house. Her family was all there, they had tons of delicious food like quiche, ham, fresh fruit, mac n cheese and salad with homemade dressing. It was all so amazing and great people. We were so thankful for the invitation so Joe could fly home with a satified full tummy on this holiday! We look forward to many more outings, cookouts and watching their daughter Mary Mason grow right alongside our little bean.

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